Top 10 Reads of 2022

With all the change that has come our way the last few years, I decided in 2022 to pick three areas to focus on in which those changes have been particularly pronounced – AI, economics and finance, and geopolitics. And man – were there some fascinating reads in those categories!

It was a real challenge to narrow it down to a top 10, but here is a selection of great reads from a banner year!

Are you letting your brain breathe?

How many voices have you let into your head in the last 24 hours? Most of us couldn’t even begin to count. The ‘voices’ driving the various pieces of stimulus we encounter in any given day are legion – think of every post; every headline; every caption, photo and podcast.

‘Solitude Deprivation’ is the brilliant phrase from Cal Newport to describe “A state in which you spend close to zero time alone with your own thoughts and free from input from other minds.”

When I read that, I asked myself – If I am constantly receiving stimulus, what chance am I giving my mind and heart to reflect meaningfully?

The idea that I may sacrifice my best thoughts on the altar of shallow stimuli is genuinely frightening.

Book Spotlight: ‘Leadershift’ by John Maxwell

When I surveyed readers of A Deliberate Life, one of the themes you said you most enjoyed was content was around ideas and reading, and my annual ‘Top 10 Reads’ posts are consistently among the most popular, so I thought I’d start featuring particular books I’m reading. I’d love to hear if there are particular books from former lists that you’d like to see featured!

I’m kicking off today with a book I just finished – the most recent release from leadership guru and prolific author, John Maxwell.


Leadershift: 11 Essential Changes Every Leader Must Embrace

by John Maxwell

Released 2019