Developing Yourself and Others

Every single one of us should be intentionally developing ourselves in order to offer our best unique contribution to the world. Those who are leaders should also be trying to do the same for those they are leading.


Here’s one way to think about it…

The Leaders I Aspire To

What kind of leaders have had the biggest impact on you?

I’ve had the privilege of serving under numerous outstanding leaders, and I’ve noticed that, though they might be very different in personality, background and style, they tend to share some of the same qualities.

Should you work on your weaknesses or invest in your strengths?

I’m a big fan of personal growth. I love the idea of continually growing to be my best self, so I am able to give to the world, and the people in my life, the best that I can.

The question, though, is where do you start? How can I narrow down where I want to focus my desire to grow, when I have more than enough weaknesses to keep me busy improving myself for several lifetimes? And do I even focus on my strengthening my weaknesses, or do I double-down on my existing strengths?

A few years ago, I came up with a framework to help me narrow in on the types of self-improvement efforts that would yield the most impact. I work predominantly by this principle: