The Gratitude Advantage

There is one advantage that is available to anyone, requires no investment of time or money, and can radically improve your quality of life.


This is not to say that cultivating a posture of gratitude is easy. It’s not. It’s difficult. It requires discipline in our thoughts and our emotions.

And yet gratitude that is anchored in healthy and secure identity is, in my experience, all up-side. I have never in my life thought to myself, ‘You know, I think I really just should have approached that situation with a little less gratitude. I think I would have been a lot happier.”


This is a lesson of which I still have to continually remind myself. When I do, these are some of the things I tell myself:

Are you living deliberately?

In 1845, 28 year old Henry embarked on a #simplelife experiment that would have surely been an insta sensation had it played out today. He built his own cabin in the forest, on some land owned by a friend, and lived alone there for two years, growing his own food, fishing #local and #sustainable, and, importantly, writing. His journal from these years came to be published as ‘Walden’, and it is from one of its lines that this blog takes its name –


The most incredible thing is that the obstacles Henry David Thoreau identifies, the things that keep us from living deliberately and instead catch us up in their unintended cycles, are the same today as they were 170+ years ago…

Why You Should Take Control of Your Connectedness

I’ve been travelling for work a bit lately, which means I’ve been out of my normal routines, and have fallen into a familiar trap.

I’ve been overconnected. And I can tell it’s hurting me.

You probably know the signs yourself – and how easy it is to find yourself doing it.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. We have the power to take control of our connectedness – and not the other way around.

3 Ways to Respond to ‘Suddenlys’

One evening my car got broken into. I got a knock on the door in the middle of the night from my neighbour who’d spotted my obviously-ransacked car, doors askew, in the driveway. From there, my night, as well as the subsequent days, became about police, sniffer dogs, dusting for fingerprints, missing items and my property being ‘taken down to the station for photographing’.

None of which I was expecting. It came out of nowhere and just like that it was a thing. It was a suddenly.

The TRIP Principle

By Daniel Gibney

This is a guest post from my friend Daniel Gibney, a professional drummer and entrepreneur. After being unable to find appropriate hearing protection for his two little girls to be around him when he was playing drums, he founded Em’s for Kids, a now-international company specialising in hearing protection earmuffs for children and babies. You can follow Daniel on Twitter or Instagram or check out Em’s for Kids on Facebook or Instagram.

Apart from business, one of my main passions in life is playing the drums. I’ve been very blessed over the years to work as a drummer in a professional capacity, and it’s something I still do. The TRIP principle is something I developed as a drummer, but it’s even more applicable in business and life in general.