Now is the Wifi of our Discontent?

It’s a phrase that popped into my head the other day, my brain conjuring up the reworked version of the opening lines of Shakespeare’s Richard III, “Now is the winter of our discontent…”

I was reflecting on the way that the saturation of our lives with wifi connectivity brings consumerism into our homes in a variety of direct and indirect ways – and, by extension, can also bring the discontent that often attends consumerism. 

Do you have a Reboot List?

Sometimes life knocks us around a bit. When that happens, often the life-giving routines and disciplines that normally feature in our days and weeks get a bit off-track, and we can look around one day and realise – we need a bit of a reboot.

reboot list

Enter – the Reboot List.

My reboot list comes out when I realise that things just feel a bit off, and I need to reorient around some key points of reference – around the things that I know set me up for the best kind of week, and life.

Here’s what’s on my reboot list:

7 ways to find the guidance you (really) need

Oprah says that “A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself.” Who wouldn’t want that kind of encouragement and guidance as they navigate an uncertain and rapidly changing world?


We have all heard, and some of us have experienced, what an amazing difference mentors can make to our development and progress, both personally and professionally. Yet mentoring isn’t the only kind of guidance we need – and sometimes isn’t even the right kind.

Here are seven different types of guides who can help shape your path in different ways. Don’t let the labels get in the way – whilst they are often using in interchangeable and overlapping fashion, the key point is the different types of support and guidance they represent, and the different ways that can help us along our journey of crafting a deliberate life –

Top 10 Reads of 2017

Looking for holiday reads now that Christmas is over? Want to plan to read more in 2018? Here are my top 10 reads from 2017, in no particular order, plus the full list of books I read throughout the year.

As the inimitable Dr. Seuss so memorably put it, “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go!”

Plus, in a world that’s increasingly distracted and insular, making reading a regular part of your life helps develop both your focus and your empathy, increasing the potential for you to bring your best both to tasks and to relationship. That sounds to me like a good way to set yourself up for the best possible 2018!